Thursday, July 13, 2006

Last Day

April second, spring is in the air. Sunshine is soothing through the cool breezy air. Max and Rina are brought out to the backyard enjoying freedom, no leashes in sight. After some romps in the new spring lawn they each pick a spot to sunbathe. Rina rolls over on her side upon the walkway. Max places himself upon the highest step, just before the porch. This landing gives him superb viewing of everything that passes by. He glances over at me and I smile. He is content. I am ignorant that he will be taken from me before the day's end. So we three sit in the warmth of the sun, sharing acknowledgement of each other with a gentle pat or a glance. This is the memory of our last day.

written by Pauline, 2002
copyright, 2006


QUASAR9 said...

Treasured memories
Pauline as vivid 2006 as in 2002
In Ancient days, they usedto say portals would open once a year to let people know there is more ...
I cannot open any portals, but your memories and thoughts are the key which hold the door ajar

Pauline said...

Your words move me. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

Charlene Amsden said...

Pauline, Max is still here. I met him today in your heart.

Pauline said...

Thanks quilldancer sometimes it is necessary and healthy to share our thoughts....