"Look youself" she told him.
Some people have more and
some people have less, if we
have what we need we are
truly blessed.
This world of competition
with focus on individual gain
each striving to be first to win
a brief moment of fame.
"Look youself" for contentment.
ignore the worlds claims to
purchase, to control and accumulate
"Look youself" and do the best you
can to be content with enough
no surplus stored or hoarded.
"Look youself", these words were
spoken by an elder that I never met
yet her words resound within me as
I strive to maintain some healthy balance
between life's wants and needs.
written by Pauline
copyright July, 2006
Pauline, I must justify to myself every purchase. I ask myself several questions -- like what are the consequences of having said article; what are the consequences of not having it; does the amount of time I'll spend using the article balance with the price; where will I store it ....?
Interesting, I have those same conversations! :)
Insert one of my favorite lines from Richard Powell's Wabi Sabi Simple... "Everything owned must have a keeper. If you don't want to dust it, clean it, oil it, move it, refill it, empty it, store it or repair it, think hard before buying it".
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