Yesterday you visited in all your glory
Winged creature with amazing colors
I failed to photograph your beauty
You return today a wounded butterfly
Saddened I watch you enjoy the flowers
I am reminded, even here in my refuge
Of life's struggles
We each have stories to tell of battles
Won and lost, even you my friend
My wounded butterfly.
written by Pauline
copyright July, 2006
The world is not always kind and beauty suffers for it.
Magic magical words
Hi Pauline, hope you are having a nice day. It is always disconcerting to see how beautiful a flower or butterfly is and how short their lifespan, but that is of course relative - the butterfly may have travelled the euivalent of 100 worlds in human terms, in its short life. More amazing to think is how small that which is its essence of life is, still beyond scientists pryinf eyes, we can see an atom we can measure an electron we can 'guess' the measurement of a proton - but we are already at the invisible range, beyond that is the intangible. Glimpses intangible.
I do use the butterfly symbolically. In this case, the wound/injury represented to me the injuries suffered by people whether physical or emotional.
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