Sunday, January 25, 2009

Confetti of Yesterdays

Peering into this reality
Recognizing head on
The absence of you!
Experiencing loss, anger
Sadness, solitude
Filling the void with questions
Of what to do?
Where to go from here?
The paper shredder is both
Friend and foe
Destroying with angry teeth
Each handwritten note
Leaving me confetti of yesterdays



Charlene Amsden said...

Why destroying his notes?! Memories aren't bad, unless they hold you back from living. What happened to all those new things you were trying?

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Ahhh dear Pauline

I have changed a lot this past year... there is a lot of "confetti of yesterdays", but I came to one very clear conclusion after reading one of your rare emails...
It was soooooooooooo clear to me then, that no matter how we feel, think, do... (as I was experiencing certan distress/angst myself)

"... life goes on, unrelenting, unrepentant, unresolved...." moi 11.02.08

Believe it or not, it was quiet a revelation and put me at great ease and also allowed me to see only where "my responsibilities" were, the extent of them.

There is anger in the confetti making, isn't it?
Well, you just go ahead and do all the ripping you need to do...if it helps... you know why.

Love and Hugs :)

Rachel said...

I love how you express grief. I can totally relate. Thank you.