Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Three Hearts

A solitary soul
works upon his boat
dark clothing grasps
the warmth of sun rays
playfully I call to him
any lobster today
he stands within our path
near his river home
uncertain of his presence
we stop and exchange
light friendly conversation
suddenly he begins to unfold
his recent tragedy
a wife he drove for minor
surgery he tells two strangers
she passed away
speechless I stand beside him
tears fall from this hidden well
longing to comfort him
yet frozen...
struck dumb...
pain of loss we understood
and for this moment brief
three hearts upon the river bank
stood silently each feeling alone
each feeling incomplete
each questioning life's mysteries
each heart dying individually yet
wondering if ever we could be of
any help to someone else that
shares this dreadful loss
willing to at least be silent and
hear the other talk

Pauline 2009


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Sometimes just having an Understanding Expression on our face or a gesture of a hand on a shoulder is enough to convey our concern and care for the one grieving.

PJ van Zyl said...

glad to have you back

cyclopseven said...

this moment of distress comes to all at different times in life. A consoling heart is all one need during this tough times.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

"willing to at least be silent and
hear the other talk"

Love and hugs my dear friend, hope you are keeping well.