Sunday, August 26, 2007

Farm Hands

A rainbow of colors
reflecting the earth
sits comfortably
upon shorts and shirt
remnants of a bee's
kiss lingers
just above my wrist
each pore of my skin
has been cleansed
by hard work
we give and we receive
we plant, we reap
a rainbow of colors
delicious to eat

photo and verse by Pauline ©


gP said...

Now I can feel the hard work in those words. bliss.

mystic rose said...

the contentment of working hard and reaping! enjoy!!

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! The mundanes into creative write. Thanks.

twilite said...

Wonderful to know you's handful taking care of your child/children and family life yet, you have the time to write. Great to know you. Looking forward for more...

PJ van Zyl said...

great photo and prose
the photo really comes to its own when you enlarge it
have a great week

Katie McKenna said...

Wonderfully captured and shared, thank you Pauline!

Pauline said...

ghoste particle,sure is different from picking up the telephone at work :)

mystic rose, very uplifting.

twilite,thank you for your lovely comments. Isn't this a great way to travel the world and make new friends :)

pete, thank you, I hope to have more photos that you will enjoy.

katie, welcome back! Hope everything is back on track with the computer...and thank you for your kind supportive remarks.

Charlene Amsden said...


that's some mighty tasty poetry, Pauline.