Friday, September 14, 2007

I Cannot Describe

I cannot describe the beauty
no words can paint this picture
of natures treasure found so
close I barely heard its whisper

written by Pauline ©2007


Charlene Amsden said...

The things were overlook ....

QUASAR9 said...

Short but sweet
all encompassing & deep

QUASAR9 said...

Hi Pauline,
wishing you a fine Friday
and a great weekend too

no name said...

Just came by your blog through Mystic Rose. That's a lovely, lovely poem!

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Wishing you a good weekend.

rauf said...

Hi Pauline, its been a while, i am sorry, been traveling a lot, spending time in the forests mostly.
You are nature yourself Pauline, your heart is nothing but nature, its beautiful.
But Nature goes beyond beauty.
Nature goes beyond horror.

Pauline said...

quilldancer, we rush about and miss so much of nature's beauty.

quasar9, thank you q have a fine weekend yourself ;)

merryweather, thank you for visiting. I shall return a visit to your place.

twilite, thank you, it is my weekend to work but I shall try to make the best of it...

rauf, your comments and visits are always appreciated. :)

Nessa said...


twilite said...

I gasp! I gape! beauty! Trust you'll enjoy your busyness over the weekend.

Nessa said...

It amazes me how picture and whisper rhyme and go so smoothly together.

PJ van Zyl said...

lovely true words
that is why that say "a picture paints a thousand words"

gP said...

there are moments when we just have to stop and cant move or say a word. and then it will be etched forever in us and we will be taken forever.

Pauline said...

goldennib, :)

pete,thanks picture man!

ghost particle, thanks for the visit, hope all is well.

twilite, enjoy your visits...