Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Monster On The Loose

There's a monster on the loose
and he has a giant tail that when
it swings from side to side each
life it touches does subside not
quickly not without pain its tail
implants a need sometimes known
as heroine or cocaine
There's a monster on the loose
causing such confusion
we watch horrified as families
friends or neighbors fall prey
beneath its tail
what can we do to unite to fight
this monster that appeared
sweeping dreams with his tail they
fall aside
no footprints left behind
but lakes of tears, broken hopes
dashed relationships, loneliness and fear.

written by Pauline ©2007


PJ van Zyl said...

aaah Monsters. they be under my bed and in my cupboard.
PS there are words with the photo. just hidden ;-)

mystic rose said...

fortunately I havent had any perosnal expereince of that, of anyone I know using thsoe drugs.
But I do know people with other addictions, and it IS a nightmare. emotionally and psychologically.

Pauline said...

pete, find the words :)

mystic rose, monsters have many different names. I merely grabbed two. It reflects the world around us, not necessarily in our immediate home. Often I feel the pain of others by mere observation. Love to you...

Katie McKenna said...

the world is full of monsters.. and choices...

Charlene Amsden said...

That particular monster has to be invited in. It usually doesn't sneak up on people with strong self-esteem and close-knit, loving, trusting families, though there are exceptions. Education also helps keep it at bay.

Nessa said...

That monster is a bad one.

Pauline said...

katie,quilldancer, nessa, monsters and choices! It seems to me my choices were simpler in my growing years. I have been made aware that people make inappropriate choices from time to time for they are unaware of the lifetime struggle they must bear. I am concerned that so much of this exists in the world and we feel obliged to ignore due to our fears.Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to vent some concerns. Hugs...

rauf said...

As long as there is greed there will be monsters in the world Pauline.