Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Such A Compliment!

not used to receiving awards
or recognition
yet this lovely card has come
to my door not once
but twice so I wish to thank
Bill and Jackie
for this very special honor
it means so much to me
I truly do believe that
nice does matter and meeting
each of you has brought a
special joy to me

Now I cannot choose from blogger friends
so I'll have to suggest that you view my sidebar
and explore my blogger world of happiness!


Jackie's Garden said...

See there? - you are double-y nice! If anyone is nice, you are, for sure. And you are welcome.

Nessa said...

You are a sweetheart.

PJ van Zyl said...

You are a special person
lighting up my life every time you drop by and leave a comment

Pauline said...

jackie, thanks for the award; it is appreciated!

nessa,right back at ya ;)

pete, thanks pete, I enjoy your post as well :)

Katie McKenna said...

Congratulations! :) Well deserved!

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Congrats. Take care and have a good rest.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

You are very welcome Pauline, your blog is a wee bit of Paradise in whet we call Cyberspace. It is a joy to come here and visit.

gP said...

congratulations. your flow of words is akin to the flow of life. nothing false, nothing masked. true emotions.

Pauline said...

Thank you everyone for your appreciated kind words. I write for my own emotional release, if by chance you find something here to comfort or console then some purpose of my mission has been met.