Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thank You Note

Above the trees

a pastel window


toward the skies

with hues of pink

orange, violet


an invitation

to dance

with water colors

or a pen

and leave a simple

thank you note

for moments

such as these

photo and verse by Pauline©2007


Nessa said...


Charlene Amsden said...

Dear God,

I just wanted to say thank you. I saw the sunrise this morning and the colors were dazzling. You do awesome work.


PJ van Zyl said...

you are talented

Pauline said...

nessa, :) I do hope all is well with you. Sorry I haven't been visiting as much. Need to control my monitor use because of some eye and thought conflicts... LOL

quilldancer, He is the best!!! I can only imagine the beauty of the sunrise in Hawaii. That was my honeymoon desire but Niagra Falls was my reality LOL

pete, you are so sweet and thoughtful. I however didnot paint the sky. I'm still laughing here :)

Have a wonderful weekend "everyone"

Nessa said...

Hi Pauline:

I understand. It is important to take a break occasionally.

Alls good with me. Hope with you, too.

mystic rose said...


twilite said...

Hi Pauline. A picture of quietness and the loveliness therein. Have a great weekend.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Thank you for your great comment on my post. I hope I can be active should I live that ripe old age though. What a lovely testimony your grandfather gave me!

Katie McKenna said...

lovely words and picture Pauline.. so full of light and love. I needed this. Thank you. I hope your eyes are feeling better.

QUASAR9 said...

Hi Pauline,
life is a sequence of moments

Good to stop and take a moment
to enjoy those thankful moments