Sunday, November 25, 2007

Circles of Life

The circle of life
such a delight
with its spiral
we dance
we laugh
we sigh
we question
the circle of life
such a delight
with its spiral
we spin
we toss
we dance
we sigh
all in the plan
of God's great hand
prepared for us in
the circle of life

written by Pauline ©2007


Charlene Amsden said...

Your poem looks like the "stem" on your "cake plate" platter. Excellent arrangement for serving up your poetic slice of life.

PJ van Zyl said...

a sobering poem for a hectic Monday.
loved it have a great week

Pauline said...

quilldancer, hope all is well with you, the sun. and paradise :)

pete, Perhaps if you could start work on a Tuesday things would be less know it just doesn't work that way, tried it before!

gP said...

a mesmerizing spiral. Its actually dizzying to go through life like this...but its exciting!

twilite said...

Hi pauline. Entered yesterday but unable to leave a comment.

We're given the free will to live and make the best use of our life on earth even though God is in control.

Interesting thoughts. Take care.

Pauline said...

ghost, indeed it is a wonderful and fascinating ride!

twilite, yes we do have free will. I used to explain it to my children this way: "You get up in the morning and decide what color to wear, what to eat for breakfast, after those small choices are made you go out the door. Never intending to be hit by that car! That incident was not your choice but it happened and we cope with faith and perseverance." End of story for my children. I believe it gave them some insight into the reality of choices and circumstance. Hugs to you my friend. Hope your computer woes are over soon.