Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gathered Around The Table

Gathered around the table
whisper a silent thank you
for family and its challenges
for the gift of steadfastness
gathered around the table
could we have ever guessed
the magnitude of youth
one man one woman who
broke the bonds of bigotry
and wed
we now stand surrounded
by the blessings of our years
children and grandchildren
gather many chairs
diversified opinions heritage too
we stand united sharing customs
and traditions representing more
than a few differences in view
but here around the table we
have merged to become a
tapestry of strength
we gather to give thanks
for every difference that we
share forged by love to grow
in understanding enabling us to
embrace each difference that now
binds us through our love

written by Pauline©2007


Charlene Amsden said...

Now that's a thanks giving poem.

gP said...

//have merged to become a
tapestry of strength
we gather to give thanks//

Then nothing shall break you and the family. We cherish love, touch and talk, we laugh and we share. I jst wish all were like this, at all moments.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Indeed each one is unique. Glad we can embrace differences and diversities over a meal. Grand.

rauf said...

Yes indeed ! Life could have somewhere on the way, but we are still here, we have to be thankful, to whom ?
it varies from person to person
That is the difference of opinion
But Pauline, it make make a strong democracy but a very weak tapestry.
hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving Pauline

Pauline said...

quilldancer, thanks :) The longer we live the more intense our list can become.

ghost, Dealing with other peoples opinions is never a smooth road to travel. Just do your best :)

twilite, Each person is unique. In America we often merge our heritages and customs as well. That is my story. Challenging but rich in history and customs.

rauf,I believe I have established the fact that we are thankful to "God" that supreme force that created each of us and allows us to choose His acknowledgement or to deny Him.
Be thankful for what ever you like if only for life itself. Nice to have you stop by for a visit.

QUASAR9 said...

Nothing like a table full of people

Pauline said...

Quasar, "Hello" it is the season for gatherings.Hope all is well with you and those you share the journey with ;)

Nessa said...

People around a dinner table are the best. Beautiful.

Katie McKenna said...

So beautiful Pauline! Thank you!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Wonderful Pauline, I love coming by to read you poetry.

PS, you will be happy I am not forsaking Blogger forever, Just will be posting from time to time

mystic rose said...

a true thanks giving..:)

Its lovely!