Friday, November 16, 2007


A journey that we travel
Invisible roadmap as our
Guide hidden messages
Of faith and intuition
Given from on high
He wants us to be happy
Yes, He does supply
Invisible guidelines for our
Travel if we listen through
The quiet if we let our selves
Feel our thoughts and intuition
A roller coaster ride with joyful
Peels of laughter and times of
Sadness at our side
Ups and downs and in betweens
Each second of this journey
He watches and stands by
Our life-line to salvation.

Written by Pauline©2007


twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Good write. Have a good weekend.

Charlene Amsden said...

My journey has been a rollercoaster for quite some time now, but at least it isn't a scary one!

mystic rose said...

Life indeed. and would we know happiness if there were no sadness? creation itself was done so in a state of duality.

wonderful words of faith and peace.

PJ van Zyl said...

But what a life to live. great prose

Nessa said...

I like knowing there's Someone there to hold me.

Katie McKenna said...

This is beautiful and hopeful.
I have missed you!
I finally fixed this old computer so I can catch up. The other day I tried to comment for over 4 hours.

I am enjoying myself back home in Montana. I'm at the other end of the State this time but it is simply so peaceful. The sunrises, promises of joy and hope.

I'm not sure if I have any poetry in me at the moment. I simply osted twice at my chatty blog. I do have loads of pictures to share if I can ever get it figured out ( or in the cd to my camera arrives... lol )

Thank you for being here and there!

Pauline said...

twilite, Thank you.

quilldancer, Thrills and shrills :)

mystic rose, Indeed the yin and yang of things.

pete, Glad to have you back. hope all is well.

ness, Ah yes whether physical or spiritual we all need to be held.

katie, Such a lovely message. you have been missed as you can see by the trail of messages I left. I'm thinking of you.

gP said...

//Invisible roadmap as our
Guide hidden messages//

It is hidden, thats true...we find love, pain and laugther and life itself finding for it. :)

Pauline said...

ghost, ah yes those invisible road our challenges to find the way.