Sunday, December 16, 2007


hearts racing
body heat
tend to grow
upon arrival
of the second
wind drifts

hide forgotten
toys not
brought inside
hidden now

of balmy days
and butterflies

written by Pauline 12/16/07


gP said...

preparation :) . are we always too busy in life...heh imagine...we are born to tidy up. I hope your holidays will b free and peaceful.

Katie McKenna said...

So true! Our snow is gone again and the russet colours of fall tease our eyes. I hope all is well over your way! hugs!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Our Skiff of snow is mostly gone, only what is frozen along the streets.

I've emailed you the poem you requested, this is a wonderful poem to read at Christmas

Nessa said...

I want to go sledding.

mystic rose said...

toys not brought inside
hidden now beneath
mountainous reminders
of balmy days and butterflies..

I love these especially... maybe because thats exactly what I see as I gaze out at the snow and ice piled up outside. :)

Charlene Amsden said...

You have helped make me even more grateful that I live in Hawaii.

Pauline said...

ghost, best of holiday wishes to you!

katie, more snow here we are whiter than clorox bleach :)

bill, can't thank you enough for the poem. Look forward to reading this to the grandchildren Christmas eve :)

nessa, I plan to make a snowman to morrow ;)

mystic rose, I am enjoy the change of seasons as each one brings its beauty.

quilldancer, I am going to punish you by coming for a visit and I shall not leave until evicted! Big Christmas Blessings to you and OC