Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cold Day's Rant...Go Figure!!!

When teenagers are shooting each other at a school bus stop (Las Vegas) security is tightened. Yet, fools wish to ban spanking a child. Is there not a difference between a spanking and "abuse" of power... Go figure!!!

When young women speak of abortion with less concern than they would display over a dental appointment we should be alarmed. But we will save the whales, the polar bears, the salmon. That makes us feel good about ourselves... Go figure!!!

When we no longer have any concern for our environment that sustains all life. We need to pause a moment and reflect on the simple fact "We cannot live without healthy air!" It is as simple as that. We cannot wait to eventually agree on protecting this life sustaining force. Act now in agreement to prioritize its significance to our health, to our life. Pull off the veil of superiority and recognize as a basic life force we all need the same things... Go figure!!!

Television and the computer have replaced reading the newspaper. Nostalgically I recall the ability to read. We spend more money on transporting students than we do on educating them. It is time for true change. It is time to reap the financial rewards of public education. We should not be using tax payers money to fuel buses that transport our future workers and leaders from one inadequate school to another. Show us the budget for transportation and lets place that total sum into the educational system ...Go figure!!!

Currently we are seeking a new individual to lead this country. Let the people hear your view on the real issues stop hiding behind a curtain of innuendoes. Will Bill be capable of remaining silent in the back room while Hillary runs the country or are we truely re-electing Bill Clinton for another term? Is Senator Obama the answer to the average American concerns or is he a man who knows what we "want " to hear?...Go figure!!!

We now have penalties for smokers they are banned from public buildings but we do not address the problem of drugs within our society. Cruelty, theft, mistrust, corruption. loss of ability, joblessness, families dissolved into confusion. Good job on the cigarettes now lets get to work on the greater problem of illegal drugs that disrupts the quality of life in American society. Stop ignoring the problem and start resolving....Go figure!!!

Sports is entertainment, I understand that. Entertainers receive great monetary returns, I understand that too. Lets support our people in uniform whether it be police, fire, emergency medical staff, etc. They save lives every day for me that represents a major home run or a touch down. Lets support that home run through pay that is comparable to their risk factor and job dedication....Go figure!!!

Cold day's rant by Pauline...Go Figure!!!


Katie McKenna said...

I agree that we as a whole appear to have lost what valid value system there ever was. I believe that as long as our values are more "Social" than "personal" then we shall continue on the downward spiral. While I believe in saving the whales, the mustangs, I also believe that people do come first, and need to come first. That every person has the right and the responsibility to speak out against the injustices, against the inbalance . Every person needs to take a stand.

The value system in place is not one that I embraced.. and yet I realize it IS simply because people allowed it to be by embracing and not boycotting, for being passive and not shouting to be heard.

ok.. I'm not going to go on... but thank you for sharing ! hugs!

OC or Q said...

Pauline -- all valid points. Now if we could all quite individually agreeing and corporately do something about it .... but know one seems to know how.

Stephanie said...

And this is just the first snow storm of the season...

Nessa said...

Too many people have too many personal agendas to agree on anything.

gP said...

loved this post...the rant is with a cause. So much makes us like second class humans to meddling politics, evil politicians and the corporate world execs who rape this world. Words will remain words, but the ideas will inspire. we will work for a better world. hugs.

QUASAR9 said...

Ice white here too
very picturesque, and thin enough to stay pretty and not turn to black slush

Pauline said...

katie, I feel so much better getting all of that out! For the record I am all signed on for saving the whales. I had to choose subjects that reflect our concern yet it bothers me that the unborn cannot speak for themselves. I believe in appropriate action between a physician and a woman of abuse it is the ignorance of "life" being present that scares me. Thanks for listening. Wish we could find all the answers. Big hug from me...

quilldancer, yes can we find a leader who will address these issues? I don't know. I feel lost and without a solid choice...not a good feeling. Hug!

stephanie, today is more restful with photos for you. Enjoy :)

nessa, yes too many cooks in the kitchen but "never give up hope!"

ghost, thanks for the comments. It isn't easy being conscientious and attempting to make the right choices. Thanks for the encouraging words :)

quasar, are you staying away from the heat? I would have thought you would express your inner most concerns. Thanks for stopping by and if you visit today it will be less challenging to the spirit.

mystic rose said...

We seem to be losing touch, or atleast the whole machinery of what makes up the media seems to be... I barely ever watch television.. I remmeber the aslt time I did, which was a few months ago and the kids had fallen asleep and I had a half hour to myself and I turned it on, wanting to relax. The only thing happening on almost all the channels were reality shows, about oxymoron, I had never seen anythign close to that in real life. One I remember now, was a wife exchange... and I watched this uber rich super model kind of woman go live with a man in what seemed like a pig sty and lament about how much she missed her husband . ha ha ha.. After a few minutes flicking channels, I turned it off and just stared out the window at the stars, I could not for one moment imagine any of my neighbors, acquaintances, amongst the thousand faces I must see everyday, any one doing that or watching something like that. Where did the media lose connection with arts/ pure entertainment/intelligence?

Re Hillary, she seems(to me) to be a very independent and dominant person, and seems to overshadow Bill Clinton.