Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Spirit

My spirit
embraces the earth
the trees
each blade of grass
beneath my feet
yet here within the city
my neighbors
spend their money
on hired chain men that cut
without dismay
our privacy
our oxygen
homes for song birds
that greet with sunrise
each new day
we plant our flowers, trees
and shrubs along the house base
attempting to provide
serenity from noisy street
they yield us privacy from
strangers passing by
my spirit
embraces the earth
the trees
my spirit
is wounded
by the presence
of the chain saw
and its crew
that takes from us
some scenic view
forced further from my home
to find a forest green
where nature provides
quiet rest
and a gentle touch
of peacefulness

Pauline ©2008
photo and verse


Nessa said...

They just cut down two large trees on our street. Broke my heart.

Charlene Amsden said...

They've paved paradise and put in a parking lot.

twilite said...

Pauline, well expressed candid feelings...

Katie McKenna said...

Sad commentary of our evolving state of being.. I really appreciated your sharing in this poem, thank you.

Pauline said...

nessa, what happened to the people's awareness of trees+oxygen for health?

quilldance, difficult to envision a paved paradise ;)

twilite, sad that the environment is failing and we seem to have forgotten the simple basics of nature.

katie, we seem to speak of progress
yet we leave a wake of destruction nature cannot be sold as a commodity therefore we do not see it great value for survival.

mystic rose said...

indeed. when you see trees older than you, so majestic, beautiful, towering over all the houses, spreading shade for everyone to enjoy, and they are being chopped down, it is heartbreaking. but its surprising that people do and put in small ornamnental shrubs.

well expressed poem.

Pauline said...

mystic rose, silliness expressed by those tiny ornamental shrubs!

gP said...

how we life and end our life in this beautiful world and still find many who doesnt stop to enjoy it with all the full senses. But I am happy that you and me and all of us here do take the moments to live it and nurture it. :)

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

I don't like the sound of chain saws. They not only are hateful on the ears, but to the eyes as well with what they leave behind.

Sometimes it is done under the mantle of progress, sometimes for greed, sometimes because it has to be done.

There is nothing more ugly than a patch of forest cut down and open amongst the rest of the trees.

Like Quilly said "They've paved paradise and put up a parking lot" Joni Mitchell was way ahead of her time with the song "Big Yellow Taxi"

Blessings from Canada. Stay warm.

goatman said...

Your home should be in the forest.
City is no place for the sensitive.

Trouble is: when you live in the country, as we do, you will need the chainsaw for cutting wood for warmth in winter.

I like your poetry.

Pauline said...

ghost,we need to celebrate the small gifts of life we often overlook in our hurries.

bill, thanks for your visit I'm off to work or I would be more chatty :)

goatman, thank you for your comments i spent much of my childhood in the country and yes that is where my heart is most happy and content chopping trees for warmth is totally acceptable.

Neer said...

this is quite poignant and peaceful!

Pauline said...

neers, thank you for the visit. your pictures are lovely hope we can visit each other again soon :)