Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Beginnings

Fresh fallen snow covers
the ground
blanketing yesterday
bells, fireworks, parades
welcome new beginnings
as we close the door to
yesterday silently with
some regret
we watch the new year
unfurl the gifts of hope
joy and expectation
may we each be blessed by
His guiding hand
to help us grow and understand
lessons hidden in our tribulations
the fire of hope for desired salvation

written by Pauline©2008


Katie McKenna said...

That is really sweet and beautiful Pauline. Thank you!

Pacific Quilly said...

Amen. I am back to work soon for the second half of the school year. 2008 is waiting to be discovered.

Pauline said...

katie, so pleased that you are back! Big hug and well wishes.

pacific quilly, love the sound of that almost hear the waves washing upon the shore. May 2008 be bright and sunny for you and may you ride the waves of life with happiness!

Nessa said...

A lovely way to start a new year.

Pauline said...

hello nessa! ;)