Sunday, January 13, 2008


In my smallness
I stand before you
clear and visible this night
pressed upon a black
felt sky your
seven stars capture
me with wonder
mythical stories fill
my head of books
so long ago now read
clear and bright
you hold my
attention this moment
this night
by your light
your statement of
strength and beauty
that fills my mind this
treasured night

written by Pauline©2008


Charlene Amsden said...

It has been years since I lived in a place dark enough to get a descent look at the night sky.

Great poem. It reminds me of nights stretched out on my back in my grandmother's yard staring at the sky.

Nessa said...

Star gazing always makes me feel like I belong. Your poem reminds me of that.

I attempted a poem (without rhyme) in my Writing Journal today.

PJ van Zyl said...

Had the opportunity to do some great star watching the past holiday. no city lights
and yes Orion was there.
have a great week

Pauline said...

quilldancer, between lights and smog this wonder is most often hidden but this evening was crystal clear and the view so inviting :) memories of nights with skies more beautiful than any jewels seen on earth.

nessa, yes a connectedness knowing we can all enjoy this magic carpet view no matter where we are!

pete, keep watching ;)

mystic rose said...

treasured moments indeed! lovely poem, you were inspired :)

gP said...

They are really watching us. A poem for the heavens. What life dreams there, about us?