Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We Are The Same

Where is the beauty
or the pride
where is the glory
etched deep inside
bodies mutilated
youth swept aside
where are the banners
trumpets and bands
to praise these people
protecting our lands
some wounds bedecked
by colorful medals
some stories told in
a clip of televised news
yet these injuries become
a lifetime battle
born by the soldiers
protecting our lands
where is the desire
the power
the will
to foster peace
to bring us still
unto quiet realization
we are indeed
one human nation
united in being
through life alone
we are the same
made of flesh
bone and vein
written by Pauline ©2008


twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Yes the world God created is one people but different colors, race or creed. At the center of being, we are the same...we cry, we laugh, we love, we hate, we fight, we kill, we help, we matter, we are the same. Another good write. Take care.

Katie McKenna said...

This is wonderful Pauline! Full of love, power, tinged with sadness.. very moving! Thank you!

Charlene Amsden said...

This poem could well fit the book I am reading, and that war was not in our country or of our nationality. Take off our skin and we are all the same.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Very moving Pauline, so true what you have written. We are all one under God, if only everyone could realize this, what a wonderful place this would be. It would almost be like Heaven.

Thank you for sharing

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

A blast of a poem dear Pauline!

What hit me most was

"Protecting our lands"...

We are one no doubt!

However,I have a serious problem with "protecting our lands" (including our own Candian solidiers now days) in foreign soul...

No matter how I twist it, just does not sit right.

Love and HUgs
Hope you are all keeping well

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Have a warm and good weekend.

gP said...

what we are seeing mirrors the past world wars. We hate the countries, but never think of the sacrifices. I cant imagine the soldiers of the invading army, conned to go somehwere for pride and profit, leaving behind grieving families. I feel for them, because in another world, it could have been me, my brothers. But they who are there are my brothers and sisters, the doomed youth, being the playing cards of tyrants with hidden agenda. God Bless you people of America, may eternal sunshine guide you to peace, and hope that your leaders know who the real enemy are.

P/s: I got a tag for you Pauline, do it if you are free :p

Pauline said...

twilite, too bad to so often only see our differences.

katie, thank you so much.

quilldancer,indeed my message was to convey "we" meaning all people of the earth.

bill :)

alicia, glad you enjoyed the write it was my desire to convey the message that each person no matter where on the planet or from what region "we are the same".

ghost, sad isn't it that we chose to examine difference vs. sameness of people.

mystic rose said...

this is powerful. what a strong and impassioned voice!