Sunday, March 16, 2008

gift of sharing

A woman hospitalized steps outside for a breath of fresh air, in doing so; she meets a young woman crying. They begin to share their hospital stories of health and family concerns. The patient listens to the young woman speak of her mother’s illness; the patient offers to buy a cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts and the gift of sharing begins.

Later in the day the young woman returns to visit this new friend. In the evening as our family fills the corridor with goodbyes, hugs, and tears our youngest grandson is held in his father’s arms when a three year old peeks from the hospital doorway across from my husband’s room. The young mother says “she wants to see the baby.” Instinctively I pick the child up and James and this little girl exchange smiles. She snuggles against me like a Koala bear clinging to a comfortable tree; enjoying her embrace I smile to her mother and thank the little girl for such pure loving. Attempting to place her back upon the floor she clings to me. The young mother asks me if I am a grandmother, laughing I reply yes, does it show?

Early the next morning in the hospital corridor I notice the patient walking, guiding her drip bottle pole as she treads carefully in her exercise mode. We greet each other and I inquire if that was her granddaughter’s hug given to me last evening. It is here that she tells me of a stranger and her child met through mutual sharing of concerns. Her hair has been beautifully braided and she informs me that the young woman that she gave coffee to came to her room and took the time to braid her long hair.

I marvel at this circle of good deeds among strangers. We have shared conversations, hugs, crossed and chosen to ignore our differences. We have been part of acts of charity. We have all been witnesses to the gift of God’s love and comforting touch within a hospital setting that over flows with kindness and compassion. We have each been integral parts in a living Caritas Carney Story.

Despite the illnesses of the characters we have been blessed by demonstrated genuine love.
To each of your staff we send this story and a heartfelt thank you!

Written by Pauline March 9, 2008


Charlene Amsden said...

Didn't I read this and comment on it yesterday? I am very confused.

The hospital is a place where we all find common ground -- love and fear. Gentleness and kindness is a natural by-product. Our emotions are laid bare, and our compassion is near the surface.

I have said a prayer for your husband, you and the rest of your family. May God nurture you and keep you all nestled close to his heart during this trying time.

Pauline said...

quilldancer, "Thank you."

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Wonderful to C U n sharing your observations. Indeed only those who experience the angsts and pains can empathise! It's uplifting reading this post. Thank you.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

this was beautiful, I agree it is God that was behind this and brought you all together.

My prayers are with you and your husband and family. Stay strong Pauline


Katie McKenna said...

Thank you Pauline. I cried reading this post ysterday , then again today.Beautiful, sad, so full of emotions... my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
love and hugs, Katie

rauf said...

Love is poweful, love is magic and love heals Pauline, love is a guiding and a transforming force.
i wish you all the joy and health in the world

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Wishing you a Happy Easter Pauline, I hope all is going well with your Husband.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! A belated easter joy. I hope you're well and your husband too. Still take care.

mystic rose said...

A deeply touching post.

Wishing you strength and peace. Love and hugs.

gata said...

You know what???

I love what I found here!!!
I'll keep coming back, if you allow me to, to read somo more from you....

Thanks for that last Post.

Have a peacefull week.