Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rendezvous of Memories

Days without you
spent in busy chores
attempting to work
as you would yet
now my efforts are
exhausted I attempt
escape falling into
fitful interrupted sleep
tears caress my cheeks
their warmth replaces
the tenderness of your
silence fills each room
while my ears
longing to recall the
sweet sound of
your voice
fifty-five days without you
my life will never be
the same for I am
intoxicated with memories
from the life that
we have shared
entangled emotions
must be met
moment by moment
for they
roll from laughter
into tears
without reason
or regret
had we grown tired
of each other
as people said we would
then this unexpected parting
could be viewed an
introduction to
a life of being free
yet I count each day
without you
imprisoned by our
rendezvous of memories

©2008 Pauline


Charlene Amsden said...

Pauline? You never did go by my blog and pick up my email address. I really wish you would.

You are daily in my prayers.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline ~ My prayers are with you my Friend, I ask God to come to you and help you as he knows what you need.

Pauline said...

quilldancer, bill, It often takes a lifetime to build a friendship yet here separated by place and space we share intimately of our life's concerns. Thank you for the gift of your friendship.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Please do take good care self.

My ardent prayers for you...wishing you the peace which passes all understanding and keeping your heart and mind in Jesus.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

What sadness this leaves me with. I cannot say I know of what you are referring but I can image. Do hope that you fight peace and rest. And do not stop writing. For it is what makes our hearts bleed onto the paper and also encourages it to heal.

Soft love to you,

mystic rose said...


Its impossible to not grieve, especially one who has so much been a part of your soul. And you know everything. Take your time. But remember - you living in warmth and comfort is important for the one who departed.

Please take care. Love.

Pauline said...

To each of you:
Thank you friends! Life is a fascinating journey, so much to experience and to learn. Like my garden of flowers we plant, we toil, we cut our blooms of beauty. All to soon fall appears and we watch the earth reclaim but in hopefulness and faith we believe and wait for spring will come again! Big hug to you all.