Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Recently I came across an article written with tender expressions of a priest serving his community. Viewing the photographs from 1986 to the present 2008 is a visual recognition of each life's short time frame. The tribute made me reflect on my individual impression with this servant of god and it helped me realize that each meeting is significant for it is unlike any other time frame in our cycle upon this earth. We are always evolving in our personal and spiritual growth. We present ourselves to the world and to our community differently at different times due to factors that affect our lives. I couldn't help but look at this young priest strong, faith filled, content and compare that image to the somewhat bitter and unapproachable pastor that was placed in our service. This article caused me to reflect upon myself and see how my circumstances change the image I present to the world. We are not stagnant spirits we are
continually challenged by family, society, health concerns and emotional tests. Reflecting on this aspect of our humanity it is understandable to meet someone new and recognize they witness only a slice of life's pie. Unless that relationship grows through sharing they walk away never having seen the whole individual before it had been cut and given out by life's events. This thoughtful tribute helped me examine myself and the slices of life's pie I have shared throughout my personal journey. The reflective mode was established and careful consideration of the images that I present each day from here will hopefully be considered. We never know the impact we make on an other's life, we never fully understand their slices of life. We can attempt to be more compassionate more patient, more understanding of each other's views and opinions. We need to travel our own path yet gather as many friends along the way as god sends. We need to attempt to see each individual as a whole story not just a moment of irritability.



Charlene Amsden said...

This ties in very nicely with my sermon (Monday's post). We think we know -- we think we see, but when we view others through the filter of our own emotions, we never get a clear picture.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Thank you for Sharing Pauline, you are so right that we may not know what we do to affect others but we do don't we.

A Blessed day is wished for you.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Some interesting thots. Life can be elusive -- we know yet we don't; every act we do to others return to us one day. Cheerio.

Nessa said...

Thanks for the reminder to view others as people and not just immediate incidents.

mystic rose said...

Profoundly beautiful thoughts, and so well expressed here.

Pauline said...

nessa, happy to have you stop by but just for the record this reminder is more for myself LOL

mystic rose, hoping all is well with you. I understandably am on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Thank God for family to lend balance and connection. I have re-discovered the healing benefits of nature and the silent presence of a higher power felt amidst the trees. Not bad for a city girl LOL

mystic rose said...

city girl? lol too. :)

there is too much gentleness in you for that.

goatman said...

Or maybe a whole story of irritability . . . just kidding.
But I've met some who do this to me not just for a moment but everytime.
But, you're right: we must look to the best in others and try and forgive the worst. Its just hard sometimes. After all, we are each only human.

gP said...

//We never know the impact we make on an other's life, we never fully understand their slices of life. // in a sense this is like being away, from what actually makes us so much the same as the other, just because we dont see them such a way. great write.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Ah, what finer words were ever said. This article made me think of a book called, "The Four Agreements." It is a small, but wonderful book that helps us understand ourselves and the world around us. I could read it over and over again. In fact, I think everyone should read it. lol

Honestly though, I feel as I get older I am seeing life and those around me and even those I do not know, but are just passing by as something more than I did when I was 20. I was always a deeper person than those my age, but as time passes I see even more. Funny eh?

Well anyway, loved this piece. Maybe someone will read this and really get it... make sense?


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline ~ there is a wee bit of a surprise waiting for you on my post today. You truly deserve it.