Monday, July 28, 2008

Falling Off The Shelf

Sorry for my
it seems to be
that searching
has become
my new reality
beneath each leaf
beside each tree
within each cloud
I search
not recognizing
my truth
that you will never
more return to me



twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Losing the one you love is never, never, never easy. Even when time passes, there is that lostness and a missing...take courage my dear sister. Trust in God and have confidence in self...cry aloud or sob if you must as tears purify and ease our pain...of lostness and loneliness. Words cannot convey... praying... for consolation.

PJ van Zyl said...

keep on searching and you will find.
Hugs a friend

Charlene Amsden said...


Your absence is understandable. Your loss and bewilderment is natural. Grieving is not just for a few says and gone. Yes the passage of time will ease the pain, but not quickly. The longer your life together, the better the quality of that life, the longer your grief will last.

Turn to God. Let him hold you and heal you. He blessed you with an extraordinary love. Allow him to console you while you grieve.

Nessa said...

Be sure to be very kind to yourself at this time. There is no formula to grief.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline ~ It is nice to see you back on the Blog again. When we lose someone knowing we will never see them again, it is natural to feel the loss. As time goes the pain will ease and things will get better and you will have pleasant memories. Trust in God Pauline and he will not let you down.

gP said...

i have searched before I have lost what I love most. I finally hope to believe that in living, in memory only love speaks louder, and connects us forever. I fear for what might happen, not knowing I am losing my time now. But in you I learned many things I have not learned anywhere else.

We are here for you, you are wiser, I pray your prayers will be answered. For love, I have no answer, as much as I have no answer for the lost. But both seems to be immortal, in spirit.


twilite said...

Hi Pauline. How are you? Hope you have a lovely weekend. Cheerio.

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

Hello Pauline

You are always in my heart dear friend...
Came around to check on ya :)

(yeah... I have declared a month of "slower pace" - just got to the point that my place looks like a loonie bin short of 12 cats! - lol)

As I was reading your pain filled words and feeling them deep in my gut, I recalled a quote I have often read myself - as losses never stop their unwelcome visits, and "the search" (any search)never seems to end.

Just "free association"; hope you don't mind me sharing.

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."
Albert Camus

Each time I read it, I appear to find it a different interpretation.

Hope you'll find a gift in it, not
an irritant :)

Miss you
Lots of love and hugs