Monday, August 25, 2008

My Heartfelt Prayer

Show me
you love me
show me
you care
share in my joy
found in pure
wooded air
embrace my
heartfelt prayer
show me
you love me
share in my freedom
now written upon air by
brush strokes of wispy clouds
that leave me messages there
do not misjudge
my need to be
amidst a leaf or fallen tree
do not create disharmony
show me
you love me
show me
you care
share in my joy
by acceptance
of God's blessings found
through natures gifts
where my comfort abounds

For my children who ask but do not hear, who question
but do not hear nor understand my answers or my quest...


Charlene Amsden said...

They worry because they love you. They worry because they fear losing you, too. They worry because they also hurt, and worrying about you gives their pain direction.

Kepp learning on what peace you find as you seek comfort. Trust in God. He will see all of you through.

Pauline said...

"Bingo!!!" Yes you have solved my dilemma in just a few words So much for the family counselling I had suggested. It is difficult for me to believe we have never met yet our posts have revealed more information than close proximity ever would. Thank you for the words that set my day in the right direction. Huge hug...

goatman said...

"A message in the clouds".
Beautiful thought worthy of the
writer. Its interpreting the message which is tricky, but fun.
Nice work you do with words.

gP said...

quilldancers comment is very good.

there are times i wished i did more and loved more. bt i kept it all to myself...till todate i never express it. family is very important, bt being pressed by my own ego and logics refrained me so much. i think humans are like that, time will solve or heal or stop everything. all we can hope is for the good.

hugs pauline.