Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Viewed Gift

There she sits
pretty in pink
calling out to me
combined with strength
photo and verse Pauline©2008


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Is this a Water Lily Pauline? A pretty flower.

Charlene Amsden said...


Romeo Morningwood said...

..and a very elegant long neck.

They can make even the most fetid swamp look absolutely beautiful.

Annelisa said...

Don't you just love the perfection of lilies? I love them even more than roses...such majestic little flowers :-)

Like your poem too


gP said...

agree so much with Donn. the lotus human in its presence. :)

Pauline said...

Bill,yes a pink water lily that called my name :)

quilldancer... :)

donnn, thanks for the visit.

annelisa, this was the only pink among a pond of white blossoms. Hope all is well with you. i find nature is my healing place these days.

ghost, so glad you like the photo :)