Saturday, October 25, 2008

Simply Beaching...

Sand soft beneath my feet
the smell of salt air gently
touches and refreshes
both mind and soul
giving life with each inhalation
giving strength to guide
these footsteps as they wander
over soft sands with ocean
waves that create
soothing music for the ears
with every step each sorrow
each tear is magically erased.
photos and verse by Pauline©2008


mystic rose said...

beautiful beautiful pictures!!

PJ van Zyl said...

stunning post. love your photos
have a great week

LIFE as it is........ said...

wow...this is wonderful Pauline. Great piece.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

it is always so peaceful at the Shore, Thank you for Sharing Pauline.

Pauline said...

mystic rose, Big hug...

pete, :) and a thank you!

life as it is... Glad you found some pleasure delivered wether in pic or words!

Bill, Do hope all is well with you and I so sorry to be neglecting my friends. Seems I can't walk life's trails and blog at the same time. Love to you from the USA

gP said...

oh so beautiful photos!

the sea and beach gives life a meaning. it teaches us to walk on, showing us that life is indeed grand :)

Gel said...

absolutely love the beach photos and your words "magically erased." tis how I feel when walking the beach.

***Plus, I see the first commenter is my friend "mystic rose" and I just happened on your blog from finding a new blog via another blog friend the other day. In short, I"m here from Quilly's blog. Small world.

I've bookmarked you. Wouldn't it be great to be at the beach now? Anytime of year, I'd like that. I live far from the ocean.