Sunday, February 15, 2009


Love arrives
in many forms
friendship comfort in words
prayer and meditation
brings love's comfort too
May this world
so hurried, so angry
so saddened
for just today to breath
in love swallow love
give love away
not physical but spiritual
thoughtfulness and caring
giving and sharing
one day of peaceful bliss
I wish for all humanity
on this St. Valentine's Day


Katie McKenna said...

"peaceful bliss" a lovely wish, a lovely state to be in... thank you !

PJ van Zyl said...

and the love that overrides all. the love of God
great post Pauline

Nessa said...

love makes the world go round

lovely poem

mystic rose said...

this is prayer. It is powerful. If only the world realsied nothing matters as much as love, that it conquers everything. And I pray the same for you. Peace and love, old friend. Sorry I have been away for so long, and thank you for keeping an eye on me.