Monday, October 15, 2007

Running Home

When troubles come
as they sometimes do
childlike I run home to
You, carrying each sorrow
wound or tear
Running home....
You will find me there
tapping at the door
remembering your solace
your power, your will
your embrace that yields
remembrance of the gift
received called faith

written by Pauline ©2007


Pauline said...

Hi everyone!!! I broke my own rule and came to visit; however the computer or some higher force bumped me out each time. Interesting don't you think? So I will follow the rules and sign off for it it time to bake some apple cake :)

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Home to me is paradise, refuge which I find solace and a place I retreat place like home. Thanks for sharing. C U!

Nessa said...

Just like a big hug or apple cake.

PJ van Zyl said...

best place to go. have a great week

Katie McKenna said...

So not fair! Apple cake? mmmm

Beautifully written Pauline!