Monday, November 12, 2007

Love's Scale

No weight no measure
can reveal its power
or its presence
for love cannot be
placed upon a scale
to calibrate its measure
too vast, too wide
too burdensome for any
human measure
for love is given only
in the markings
known by heaven.

photo and verse by Pauline©2007


Lapa said...

Hi. Nice blog and interesting. Cool layout w/ all the extra widgets :) Great job!!

Charlene Amsden said...

Sometimes love is a burden to heavy to carry, but more often then not it is as light as a feather yet it carries us!

Pauline said...

quilldancer, oh dear...what I meant to say is love is immeasurable by human standards! I'll have to re-read this and make sure my lovely thoughts are expressed properly.Notice the rose bud is weightless yet we know it symbolises great love :)

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Love cannot be measured but oft we do subconsciously. Words like, 'I don't love him/her any more'...therefore a right to separation or divorce?!

QUASAR9 said...


QUASAR9 said...

And you can't put a price on it either

Pauline said...

lapa, thanks for your visit and welcome.

quilldancer, words and thoughts sometimes miscommunicate..

twilite, yes, we do measure unfortunately we are human and misjudge.

quasar,correct no with no price!

gP said...

when you it the right notes, find the right person, no scale will come to mind. :D

Nessa said...

I think the picture is cute, but I kinda got the same impression Quilly got from the middle part of the poem.

Pauline said...


nessa, Hi :) I think it is the word burdensome that people are bringing into the relationship where I mean to keep it within the measurement/scale realm :)I could re-write it but having been married for a burdensome time think I'll let each reader choose their mood.Thanks for stopping by.

mystic rose said...

mmmm...yes. :)