Saturday, January 26, 2008

Seasonal Shift


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

This was a wonderful Kaleidoscope of pictures. Such beauty we have in this world, if only more could just stop for a minute and take a look at God's beauty he has given us.

Thank you for sharing.

There is a gift waiting for you on my blog.

Pauline said...

bill, thank you for you kindness expressed and "Thank you!" for such a lovely award. :)

Charlene Amsden said...

Did you make this gorgeous slide show? You've come a long way!

Pauline said...

quilldancer, yes I did finally manage to put this together. I learned I am impatient and my tempo was not that of the computer!
Glad you enjoyed the slide show ;)

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Wow! Lovely words and pictures. Thank you for the treat.

You've got to teach me how to put this together. Cheerio.

gP said...

very nostalgic and vivid snaps. How real images can reflect ourself more that it shows itself to us. Its about connections. Lovely.

Katie McKenna said...

What a fabulous gift Pauline! Thank you!

Nessa said...

I love your video.

Pauline said...

twilite, All you need for this project is windows movie maker and some patience. The latter was a bit challenging for me. The photos take a while to upload and I thought my computer had frozen as I tried to rush things. Blogger gave me "unable to connect" messages causing me to delete my many attempts. This day I waited and waited ignoring signals and messages. You could do this project within minutes. Have fun now that I have eliminated the problem areas. I look forward to your photos!!! :)

Pauline said...

ghost particle, Thanks for giving me some reflection on my video ;)

Pauline said...

katie, glad you enjoyed :)

nessa, I have been working on this for a while. I was using the program you suggested but with challenges. Hope you enjoyed the view :)

mystic rose said...

thats lovely!

the pictures are all so beautiful, Pauline.

mystic rose said...

I wonder if it is possible to put some music along with it?

Pauline said...

mstic rose, Thank you am pleased that you found it enjoyable. Music would be lovely if I knew how?

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Thanks for your guidance and instruction. I shall try but...