Saturday, May 03, 2008

100 Things about Me...

1. Married my teenage sweetheart.
2. Love the sound of crickets on a summer evening.
3. Haven’t outgrown the fun of rustling through autumn leaves.
4. Family is important to me.
5. I collect books but don’t always read them.
6. Butterflies are filled with spirituality and greetings.
7. Dreams are a forewarning to events.
8. I usually dream in color.
9. My preference is to work independently.
10. I do not draw the shades to block out sunlight.
11. I utilize passive solar energy.
12. I was trained to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
13. Numerous photo albums are my keepsake.
14. A freshly cut lawn requires me to inhale deeply.
15. Most interested in holistic medicine and its benefits.
16. The ocean is a place to visit and renew myself.
17. I am a grandmother of six.
18. I do not think I am old.
19. Age is a state of mind.
20. Stress is when the bills pile up.
21. More stress is when people I love are ill or unhappy.
22. I try to cure with concern and a good cup of tea.
23. Photography is a hobby that I find pleasurable.
24. I require neatness to feel free and happy within my home and my work space.
25. My car is ten years old but well maintained.
26. My garden is filled with flowers rather than vegetables.
27. I am quick to pick up a screw driver or hammer and attempt to fix something.
28. Good byes are painful for me even when short term.
29. I chose to be a stay at home Mom.
30. My mother always worked outside the home.
31. I was responsible for family care at an early age due to illness of my mother.
32. I was the sole provider for her care for over twenty years.
33. It was my mother that recognized the need to terminate this care process.
34. I cried when she left for a nursing facility.
35. I over react to mice and flies. Dirty creatures.
36. I love the ocean breeze at three o’clock.
37. I am a bundle of contradictions.
38. I believe I am independent yet I need the security and dependability of my relationships.
39. I do not think I could enjoy a house without a porch to provide sun and air.
40. I always look for the simple cause and solution to any problem.
41. With perseverance I wait for things to get better.
42. My comfort zone is helping others.
43. I am a Catholic.
44. I believe in all religions rather than an individual’s ego
45. When my first child started school, I was the only mother crying in the school yard.
46. My faith sustains me.
47. Teaching children comes naturally.
48. My dream was to be an interior decorator, that didn’t happen.
49. I strive to maintain organization at work and at home.
50. I enjoy a person with a good sense of humor.
51. I have difficulty revealing my inner most thoughts and feelings.
52. Often I expect those close to me to “know” how I feel.
53. I need solitude but long for company.
54. The computer allows me to share life’s journey.
55. I am open to learning from my children.
56. I have just studied and received my certificate in Reiki One (Japanese relaxation technique and healing energy
57. I own a Chihuahua.
58. I crochet.
59. I enjoy giving gifts to others.
60. I have been known to give gifts to myself.
61. I have a small room of craft projects that I don’t have time to do.
62. I attempted to smoke, because I resented other people’s breaks from the work schedule, and looked foolish.
63. I choose not to drink because I grew up with alcoholism.
64. I allowed my husband my heart because he does not drink and I felt safe.
65. I believe in the vows of marriage.
66. I have dealt with ethnic and religious barriers during my lifetime.
67. I have learned through life’s experiences how people manipulate religion to separate groups rather than to bring
us together.
68. I live the statement in God’s house there are many rooms, thus I am accepting of other religious beliefs.
69. We celebrate Easter twice during the year using different calendars.
70. Time is a man made system of convenience and unreliable.
71. I believe we should do away with changing the clocks in spring and fall. It only reinforces my belief that time is incredibly inaccurate and only a method of convenience.
72. I look forward to and need family gatherings and as my contradictory emotions reveal enjoy the peace and solitude when
they are over.
73. My garden is perennial for I enjoy the gift of viewing re-birth each spring.
74. Church bells are a pleasant sound reminiscent of a slower pace and community.
75. My brother died suddenly at the age of nineteen.
76. My parents were divorced so I never knew my father.
77. I have half sisters from that marriage that I do not know.
78. In my youth I feared falling in love with an unknown relative.
79. The best medical doctor is the one who listens intently rather than prescribes a drug quickly.
80. Greed is unacceptable.
81. This list is surprising me and I am unsure of whether to share my thoughts and feelings. That would leave me feeling
so exposed.
82. I have more than one sweet tooth.
83. I still have all my own teeth.
84. Writing is purely a means to release my thoughts.
85. Christmas is a holiday I never want to out-grow.
86. Whenever my husband is reading I think of interesting topics of conversation and unintentionally interrupt him.
87. I collect recipes.
88. Meals are representative of our family’s diverse cultural backgrounds.
89. I have a Beta Fish named Christmas.
90. My luxury item is candles on the daily dinner table.
91. I have been converted to Wal-Mart-ism to shop within a budget.
92. It is easier for me to spend money on another than to spend money on myself.
93. I am unable to pace myself. I work, work, work or relax, relax, relax.
94. Often I am my worst critic.
95. When I garden I never wear gloves for I enjoy the feel and smell of the earth upon my hands.
96. I don’t mind getting dirty when I play in the earth’s soil.
97. House rule is shoes off before entering.
98. The seasons first snow fall still excites me.
99. Clutter creates negative energy which I strive to avoid.
100. My brain freezes when people stand over me.

These thoughts I keep locked inside yet now the door is open wide for sun and air to circulate the memories and hurts held tight unlocked today for all to see and to let myself be freed.


Charlene Amsden said...

Your last one -- yes, I read them all -- is so ME! I can't even clean the house if someone is watching. Too many years of criticism.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! Wow! I don't think I can come up with this many for self. Great to know you. LOL.

mystic rose said...

so many in here that made me smile and kept me reading on.
I like to garden with bare hands too. unable to pace yourself.. me too, and there is something about my husband being seriously involved in something that makes it irresistible to interrupt him. :)

Pauline said...

quilldancer, :)

twilite, That was my exact response when I read this on another blog. Take the challenge it can be quite surprising and fun.

mystic rose, Thank you for sharing that lovely smile. Instinctively knew we had much in common :)

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

I have learned may wonderful things about you Pauline

Thank you for sharing


gP said...

I loved this list, it feels so good to have know you.

No 1 made my day...but no 5,9,18,19,38,42,52,54,92,94 I can identify with.

I agree with everything you said about religion.

I had beta fish during my childhood, they were fun to watch...its called fighting fish here. or Siamese fish.

When age have no reason to be a barrier, then there is no barrier, only hopes and dreams and a wide open road to achieve them.

love and hugs.

Pauline said...

bill, this was a difficult thing for me to do. I don't think about myself very much, generally it is my family that is the focus. Took me quite a while to make this list and still quite some time before I decided to share. Thank you for your friendship :)

ghost, you made me smile listing the numbers of interest. Big hug to you! You might find this interesting to try yourself,just something to think about.

Katie McKenna said...

I read this and smiled... very interesting and loving list. Thank you for sharing yourself in this way.

Annelisa said...

I love your openess and you're bravery for opening. I love your ideas and ideals and have total respect for you!

I came because of the poem you left me. The sting in the scorpion's tail is sharp for me today as it is my friend, Julia's, birthday. I am going to spend it with people who cared about her as much as me - her husband and sisters. We'll share the joy of her life as we will feel the hole of her absense.

It is the sharing that makes it all bearable.

Reading some of your more recent poems (after today's), I feel empathy for your own losses and send you positive thoughts....

Thinking of you X

venuss66 said...

I enjoyed reading them. Number 5, 14, 21, 28, 29, 38, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 84 and 92 I can identify with. :) Glad I came to this blog.