Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Faded Words

Faded words
upon a page
written long ago
to others eyes
yet these words
are inscribed within
our hearts
placed safely there
to carry us each
moment of the day
until we find
swift passage of time
created faded words
illegible to others
only you and I still
know the value
the promises the love
strengthened through
the years solidifying
what now appear as
faded words
Happy Valentine's Day
©2008 Pauline


Charlene Amsden said...

Handwritten love letters? Do such things still exist? I have a file folder full of love email .....

It doesn't have the same ring, does it?

Pauline said...

quilldancer, a card purchased had faded messages and I just ran with the idea. Letters do hold a certain mystic, not to give my age away but remember when letter writing was an art form, a token of love shared...How are things in paradise for I wish you well :)

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

This is lovely Pauline. You have talent. Love is a wonderful thing yes?


twilite said...

Hi Pauline! You do have a way with words.

Words of love etched in heart cannnot fade...only one untrue to self that one forgets!

PJ van Zyl said...

great post
happy valentines girl

Pauline said...

inside our hands,outside our hearts: Indeed love is a wonderful thing!

twilite, :)

pete, thanks and a "Happy Val"s Day to you!"

gP said...

what words and letters written,
shall remain living forever,
in the wind,
in memories
in our eyes
in your writings
for the future.

Pauline said...

ghost.... thank you :)