Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Life’s journey can at times feel like an endless winding road. We grow weary and uncertain of what event lies unseen just beyond that next bend. These concerns can be magnified by hurtful past experiences. Sadly we cling to memories that cast shadows from our yesterdays and they project a shadow land onto the gift of today and
the promise of each tomorrow. Each of us is here to experience life with its full range of emotions: pain and sorrow, anger and regret, joy and happiness as well as love and loss.
Who among us could say the journey is without pain? Who among us would state we have never basked in the joyful presence of life itself? What is this shadow land I
mention? We each have our individual stories, our private sadness, and our hidden storage box of emotional hurts and disappointments. This article is not intended to name them, nor to label and definitely not to eliminate them. My hope is that in reading we will be willing for a moment to acknowledge our individual shadows and shine some light into the darkness thus permitting the freedom of release and administration of healing to take place. In this way we will be capable of erasing negative hurts and opening our heart and spirit to the freedom of forgiveness. Often it is forgiveness of another we struggle to overcome. Surprisingly we forget the need to forgive ourselves and we hold on to negative energies locked inside. The powerful gift of forgiveness delivers a weightlessness of mind, spirit, heart. It is a release of tension and an acceptance of our human imperfection. Give yourself and that certain someone you are holding in the shadow land forgiveness and experience the power within you to celebrate abundant freedom. Embrace the gift of happiness and openness of your heart, mind, soul, and spirit for the power is truly within you! Enjoy the wings of freedom as your shadows are released into the universe and you are once again set free to live fully the gift of joy and happiness found in the offering of today. Gone are all your captive shadows of yesterdays! You are restored to celebrate life offered in this new day! I am extending an invitation for you to experience a day without shadows. Offering to you an experience of forgiveness and the joy of a peaceful heart. You choose to hold the chamber locked or set it free. For the power is within you to forgive and with that forgiveness we can each fully embrace a new day.

©2008 Pauline


Charlene Amsden said...

You are the second person today to blog about the freedom of forgiveness. It does release us from the negative energy and drop tons of baggage from our souls.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Indeed there is great power within us. Life can be filled with unexpected turns...yet you've written about forgiveness. We need to forgive not only others but self...that we might breakthrough to joy and peace. Let's encourage one another on to triumphantly live through each day trustingly...LOL.

Nessa said...

I have found my greatest obstacle to forgiving myself and others to be my pride. When I accept that most things truely don't affect who I am, it is easier to let go, to get to that place of forgiveness. And I agree with you...forgiveness is one of our greatest gifts.