Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Like my garden of flowers
we plant, we toil, we cut
our blooms of beauty
All too soon fall appears and
we watch the earth reclaim
but in hopefulness and faith
we believe and wait for spring
will come again!


gP said...

does this also mean that love will always come back, however long it takes, however we loose it, it will always come back...destiny?

hugs Pauline.

Charlene Amsden said...

new beginnings

hope never dies, but sometimes it is hard to see.

I am glad things are looking brighter for you.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline ~ Beautiful, some places Autumn comes quicker that other places. I am amazed that our trees are turning already.

It is Beautiful and I am glad that God graced me with a job that I can look at the Beauty Everyday.

Thank you for sharing you poem.

Still asking God's Angels to come and be with you.

cyclopseven said...

Rebirth....you conceived it well Pauline.