Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Impossible Performed

Message from above
my love delivers by
a blue and white artform
without knowledge of
the artist's intention
I am drawn to grasp
the voice and thought
from heaven
the impossible has been

The Machinery of Heaven Glass Sculpture by Steven Easton verse by Pauline ©2008


Charlene Amsden said...

I am so glad that you were given this chance to communicate!

Romeo Morningwood said...

Who knows where it comes from..I think that the brain sweeps every corner and digs into every nook and cranny and voila!

gP said...

amazing. the mysteries of electrons, the mysteries of god...

Pauline said...

Truly this is an amazing story to share...while visiting an art gallery I was drawn to a piece by some magnetic force(!) my friend asked what I was seeing and I went on for a full ten minutes of the message I thought was received,,he patiently listened...the following day we returned to meet with the artist shown with me in the photo..and much to my pleasure his description of this art piece was ever so close to my friend was amazed for he feared utter disappointment for me upon returning. My story of loss was shared with the artist himself and his work was entitled "Machinery of heaven" ...again I did not have this information until after my magnetic pull to the artwork itself...Keep the faith people...death is but a door a passage unto another world of invisible gifts and joy. Love to all!

Alicia M B Ballard StudioGaleria said...

"we" move in mysterious ways, indeed...

Big hug sweetie

goatman said...

Reminds of a visit to the Kemper museum in KC. My girl and I were both staring at the piece on the wall noticing two completely different things: I was wondering how the planes of the frame and the background fit together, she remarking that they were on the same plane.
Thats what art is for!!