Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blue Canvas

One lonely chair
graces the garden lawn
remembering conversations shared
one lonely chair sits empty
a statement of your absence now
that you are gone
unable to sit remembering
I flee quickly upon the steps
leaving behind me
one lonely chair that sits
beside abandoned dreams



gP said...

Pauline, are those dreams really abandoned. why dont you seek them again? Maybe I dont understand the real pain, but just maybe we can reconnect the beautiful moments through that. :)


Charlene Amsden said...

You have incredible memories of the kind of love many people only get to dream about. Take comfort in that. You are still in my prayers.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline ~ I am still asking God's Angels to come and comfort you. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog. Friends across the way.

Pauline said...

Thank you my dear friends.......

cyclopseven said...


mystic rose said...


this is deeply painful and beautiful (for the love that you had together and that is still in your heart) at the same time.
Love and prayers for you.