Saturday, October 11, 2008


to play a new tune
to strum
while natures setting
provides the kindness
of a gentle embrace
©2008Pauline photo and verse


gP said...

the sounds of nature inspiring masterpieces. :)


Charlene Amsden said...

Are you teaching yourself guitar? I would love to come sit nearby and listen.

Come see what new and amazing things I am up to!

PJ van Zyl said...

glad for you.
make the tune be beautiful

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Glad you found something new to do Pauline, all the best is wished for your guitar playing

Pauline said...

ghost particle, first lesson just a humm and a strumm ;)

quilldancer, no a new friend is providing music lessons for me...pray that i am capable of learning this new challenge.

pete, life is a song and I am attempting to continue to sing along...

Bill, really need those prayers my friend...I can't read a note!!!

mystic rose said...

that's womderful! I ve been wanting to take up playing the violin myself. :)