Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sticks and Stones

Upon a forest floor
a mixture of textures
can be found
the rustle of life heard
foraging, planning
for winter survival
upon a forest floor
can be found
can be learned
©2008 photo and verse by Pauline


gP said...

when seasons end, life begins again.

how beautiful Pauline. :)

ive sent u an invitation for my India blog... :)


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

So very true Pauline, Life is forever changing, and when one season closes down a new season starts up. It is almost as if the Lord is closing down one door and new door is opening up for the Earth.

I hope you are well Pauline, I think of you often and ask God to keep sending his Angels to watch over you.

Blessings my Friend

Charlene Amsden said...

The circle of life ....

Romeo Morningwood said...

"If there's a bustle in your hedge row,
don't be alarmed now."
Stairway To Heaven

The evolutionary adaptations of the creatures trapped in the Temperate Zones are incredible. The Wood Frog becomes a frogcicle..
a little antifreeze in the blood helps them cybernate through the Winter.

For those of us who must deal with the Winter..
I have learned to appreciate the cold, clean, crunching of snow underfoot whether on a Sunny stroll in December or a brilliantly moonlit night in February...
the snow magically magnifying the moonlight...
and underneath, a Wood Frog 'dreams' of Spring.

goatman said...

A marker, those rocks, or directional clue in the woods. I once saw a similar arrangement in the sands of the desert in south Utah and wondered why and who . . . perhaps buried treasure?