Thursday, October 02, 2008

Balancing Act

Moments of serenity and peace
hours when I feel complete
days that pass with foolish pride
whispering lies, whispering lies
suddenly a cloud appears covering
clear skies
shadows fall before my feet
reality strikes the heart forcing
me to see this balancing act within
dressed in full disguise



Romeo Morningwood said...

Spot On.
It is a balancing act and you do get nervous when things are going're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

You'll live way longer if you can convince yourself that things are going well.
They call that denial but whatEVER!

S.L. Corsua said...

Reading this and the previous two poems, I cannot help but be utterly moved by the care in choosing the words, and the tenderness in the expression. ("Opening Every Door" has had the most effect on me.) I wish you blessings, truly.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Ahh yes, we all are mke-up artists now aren't we? ut under the ake-up we know the the truth and if we are daring enough we find truth within it.

Loved this.


Pauline said...

donn, yes nervous and hoping no other shoe will drop...denial soumds wonderful to me but whatEVER is understood!!!

s.l. corsua, welcome and thank you for visiting...

Pauline said...

inside our hands, outside our hearts...yes we dress for ourselves more often than we dress/make-up for others, always fooling ourselves until we are forced to discover! Thank you for your comments.

Charlene Amsden said...

Pauline, the cycle of grief takes at least a year. Note, I said "at least". For some -- though not many -- it takes longer. As time passes, it is easy to forget for short periods that you are grieving, which makes the reminder seem shocking. This, too, is natural and will slowly diminish -- not the memories, but the pain of your loss.

May God bless you and keep you. You know you are in my heart and prayers.

Pauline said...

guilldancer, never could I have imagined blogging would bring such wonderful friendship into my life! thank you...