Monday, November 17, 2008

Old Friends New Day

Life has unexpected ways
of rearranging our days
long-time friends comfort
and share the journey of
such unexpected ways
somehow we receive and give
the gift of genuine love while
laughter dances behind a veil
pleasantly to interrupt like
punctuation marks between
our thoughts
old friends new day only they
can understand the fullness
of their presence their steadfastness
their love their treasure shared for
old friends create the miracle of
a brand new day.

Joe and Carole


Charlene Amsden said...

New friends are great, but old friends are one of life's sweetest treasures.

PJ van Zyl said...

awesome words
have a great day Pauline

Pauline said...

quilldancer: I have become truant...where are the blogger police to check on my where abouts!
So proud of your recent accomplishments my friend! Hugs.

pete: Hope you truely made it to the weekend surf board ;)we need to learn to grasp each day and live while we can!!!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Old friends are what we treasure, they see us through the good and the not so good and are our true friends.

I hope things are getting better for you Pauline.

PS, I've yet to find the Bob Newhart program about being a Driving Instructor.