Tuesday, January 06, 2009

"Happy New Year"

May the season of light
Shine ever so bright
Chasing away any shadows
Ushering in with cheer and
Delight the New Year that
Hastily follows

©Pauline 1/2/09


Romeo Morningwood said...

Thank You, Happy New Year.

Hastily indeed! Personally I felt that much of the warm afterglow of Obama's victory, and the hope for change, started swirling down the drain as another War in the Middle East elbowed it's way onto the front page. Right from the getgo.

Like Rosanne Rosannadana said..
If it's not one thing it's another thing

gP said...

well said Pauline.

wish you a fine new year ahead, a new beginning and new love and life, a new world.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Happy New Year Pauline, I hope that 2009 will be your year.

PJ van Zyl said...

may 2009 treat you with tender love

Pauline said...

Thank you each and every one for such kind and supportive comments. I have felt the need to hide these last several months. In doing so I better understand the anguish experienced by spousal loss which is so very different in intensity from any other I have experienced. Praying to move forward and wishing all of you a year of love, kindness, and continued friendship.