Friday, January 02, 2009

Minus One

This photograph requested
Marking time aware now
Of how swiftly life passes
Friends stand side by side
Minus one
Smiling for the lens my
Thoughts are of you in
Your absence
Photograph reflecting smiles
Unable to capture silent thoughts
As we internally compute our
Lives touched
As we stand to pose for this
Moment minus you

©2008 Pauline


Charlene Amsden said...

Pauline, my heart is with you. May 2009 be a much better year for you.

gP said...

Hi Pauline, may everything be good and happy this year.

The memories are well reflected here Pauline, we share your life, pain, love and memories :)

Hugs and love.

Rob said...

Thanks for the New Year greatings, Pauline. I hope 2009 brings peace and happiness :-)

rauf said...

Please think of pleasant moments. Sweet memories ease the pain and they will make you smile.
Hope you are fine Pauline.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline! A belated happy 2009 and a year of good surprises! Remember the 'Minus One' is with you in spirit...always. LOL.

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

How lovely this is Pauline, I am sorry for this loss, but I agree that this person is always around you as long as you hold them close to you.

Be well dear and soft love,

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

A Happy New Year's to you Pauline. Keep strong, you will find that these memories is what keeps us going.