Friday, April 25, 2008

The Garden of Life

Recognising our connectedness with nature becomes more challenging within city life. Factors such as noise, automobiles and over population are not conducive to peace and quiet our emotional well being requires. Gardening is a major source of exercise and a simple means of re-uniting the self with our planet. The physical exercise is beneficial and the rewards of our labor are aesthetically pleasing. Soil moved by our hands and worn upon our clothing brings us full circle into the garden of life. Here we witness the natural cycle of plants from seed to full bloom to expiration. We cannot help but feel akin to this process of growth and change. We are in a small way experiencing creation. From a patch of earth we remove stone. fertilize, till the soil, plant seed, water, watch and wait. Anticipation is our pleasurable friend. Our labors are rewarded as butterflies and birds visit. Here in the midst of city life we have re-claimed natures natural path! Unless you have some aversion to beauty rewards for this effort abound: a place to read, to meditate, a purposeful piece of earth to observe nature and learn of our place within her loving gifts.


Charlene Amsden said...

Beautifully written. I'd have just said, "I have an affinity for dirt."

The older I get the more interest I have in planting and growing. When I was younger I had to have a garden in order to eat. It was work. Now that it is not longer required I want one for pleasure.

twilite said...

Hi Pauline. Garden...I just love gardens...the warm soil that brings forth life in spring and covered with snow or remain inactive in winter to preparing a year of growth!

Had been tardy in blogging these days but I still enter the blogsites though.

Have a good week. Trust all is well. Take care Pauline and your loved one.

Pauline said...

quilldancer, the power of your words always brings a smile "I have an affinity for dirt" :)and so I do!!! There is a healing that takes place while working the soil. Youngsters cannot appreciate this healing for they have not yet experienced enough of life.

twilite, I have not been blogging too much on my plate. Wishing you the best of this Easter Season!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Garden's are truly a wonderful gift that rewards through hard work.

Still keeping you in thoughts and Prayers

gP said...

since small i loved gardening...always trying to get that one flower plant never to be found around the neighbourhood, that one fruit tree to grow taller than ever. Its an adventure and it builds character. I think we care more of earth rather than fellow humans when we do gardening. but its sad that most of the rest of the people jst dont care of the environment. small steps make a different. :)

Hi Pauline! How are you?

Pauline said...

Bill, Thank you!

ghost particle, gardening is a prayerful state, a place to rid the mind of modern things and return to the basics.

mystic rose said...

How lovingly expressed. I went throught he process with you, there is nothing more closer to our spirits than working with the earth, i think.