Thursday, June 19, 2008



When life hands you lemons make lemonade. That used to be a favorite expression of mine until I drank my fill of lemonade this year. Cancer that’s the word that strikes fear and loathing into each heart. Cancer that’s the word that spills our lemonade over the top and we drowned in the once delicious flavor.

Life’s journey can at times feel like an endless winding road. We grow weary and uncertain of what event lies unseen just beyond that next bend. Our concerns can be magnified by past experiences sadly memories cast shadows onto the gift of today.

We are here to grow in our experiences through a myriad of emotions and circumstances. Who among us has not basked in the joyfulness of life? Who among us has not felt the sting of loss and unexpected pain? We each hold our individual stories our hidden hurts and disappointments within as an unseen shadow land.

My hope is that in reading we will each be willing if only for a moment to examine our shadow land and permit light into this darkness that clouds a new day.

Most often we struggle with forgiveness of some perceived wrong done to us. In my case the sudden illness of my husband and the robbery of our shared life screams for my need to forgive whatever powers of nature, man, god, or beast that has brought this emptiness into my life.

You may have a different image in your personal shadow land that haunts your days robbing you of light and joyfulness. Think about your experience try to forgive and try to let go of your shadows.

Surprisingly we forget the need to forgive ourselves and we hold on to negative energies. The powerful gift of forgiveness delivers a weightlessness of mind, spirit, heart. Forgiveness creates a release of tension and permits us to accept our human imperfection.

Attempt to give yourself and that certain someone you are holding in this cloudy shadow land the gift of forgiveness. Experience the power within you to release the shadows and bring in the sun of warmth and abundant freedom from yesterdays injuries and wounds.

This is no easy task but I am striving to move forward. I believe good things wait for me around that next bend in the road but first I must be open in heart and spirit to receive those hidden gifts. I must release my captive yesterdays and set them free on the wings of forgiveness.

You have an opportunity to forgive and move forward. I say lets give it a try what do we have to lose yesterday is already done.

The power is within you for only you hold that special key to open the door to a happier tomorrow.


twilite said...

Hi Pauline...standing together with you and praying these days of dark shadows in life. May peace reign. Do take special care of self.

Charlene Amsden said...

Forgiving ourselves is often harder than forgiving others. Remember first and foremost, we have already been forgiven by the ONE who matters.

Pauline said...

twilite, quilldancer:
I feel so blessed to have such sincere friends. Space is non existant when spirits connect.
Thank you for your supportive posts.

gP said...

Pauline, such a great post. we must live to bring out the best in us, and that means treating others as humans to. the human spirit is very powerful, but it must be left to work its magic, not under pressure.

//My hope is that in reading we will each be willing if only for a moment to examine our

shadow land and permit light into this darkness that clouds a new day.//

we must be open, we must stay open. its a beautiful world out there with beautiful people. I am honored to share this with friends who are able to see life in its divinity.


Pauline said...

ghost particle, I never could have imagined all the beautiful people coming into my life through this blog it is an amazing gift thank you for sharing part of life's journey.

Nessa said...

Pauline, I am so sorry for your loss.

mystic rose said...

"Surprisingly we forget the need to forgive ourselves and we hold on to negative energies."

So true. I think to forgive and let go is the hardest but most important for our growth and well being.

there is a story about Buddha, in his travels, he visited a village, and a man from the village started insulting him and threw a rock at him. And then he realised his mistake and the next day went to Buddha and apologised for his actions. Buddha looked at him and said "when did all this happen?" "Yesterday," the man said. " really? I dont remember." Buddha said. " Im in the present."

I think to be completely in the present , present with one's spirit, all those negative energies you speak of have to be laid to rest. Then we realise the eternal nature of whats within.

There is much sorrow,a but the heart is so much deeper for it, i think.

So glad to see you writing on a regular basis again.