Thursday, September 25, 2008

Opening Every Door

Opening every door
the name displayed
matters not to me
Jesus was a Jew
so there I'll start
my questioning
my neighbor is
a Baptist minister
yes, I have already
opened and visited
that door finding
love and comfort
Greek Orthodox my
husband was and yes
I paid my visit to be
welcomed to be blessed
to put some longing
silently to rest
cannot explain this need
to search yet opening
every door will reveal to me
a hidden message found in
understanding of this necessary
quest some confirmation that
my husbands soul has now
found blissful rest.



Charlene Amsden said...

If you are looking for your husband, check behind the door to your heart. He is there, young, strong, healthy, happy and loving.

I believe his soul is with God. I believe you will be reunited someday. I put my faith in God's word. I put much less faith in denominational practices.

goatman said...

I am sorry to hear of this.
But your gentle soul will live on and finally meet up.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Pauline still asking God to send his angels to help you. Take care my friend.